Barry and Steven 2014 - Camps

The entire area we travelled was burned by forest fire in 1995, four years after we canoed through it when Steven was a youngster.  In 1991 we had started in mid-Saskatchewan, canoeing the Churchill River system over a period of 22 days into Manitoba and then south to our take-out point.  The entire area has regrown the typical small thickly spaced trees.  The above camp was where I had stayed several times in 1992, but now unrecognizable and required a trail to be cut into a small clearing with just enough room for our tents.

A small area around this campsite was spared from forest fire.  We did not realize until rechecking our map that this spot was where we camped in 1991.  There was no well-protected place for the tents, so we placed the canoe to help protect against wind.
 This campsite also was spared from fire.