Johnson D, Kershaw L, MacKinnon A, Pojar J.
Plants of the Western Boreal Forest and Aspen Parkland, 1995.
(My go-to book for wild edible plants.)
Kershaw, Linda.
Edible & Medicinal Plants of the Rockies, 2000.
(A few edible plants not covered in Johnson et al.)
Willard, Terry.
Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rocky Mountains and Neighbouring Territories, 1992.
(A few edible plants not covered in Johnson et al.)
Aitken, Kate.
Kate Aitken's Canadian Cook Book, 1945.
Barss, Beulah M.
The Pioneer Cook: A Historical View of Canadian Prairie Food, 1980.
Fort Chipewyan Historical Society.
Fort Chipewyan Traditional Cookery, 1994.
Kephart, Horace.
Camp Cookery, 1910.
Rombauer IS, Rombauer Becker M. Joy of Cooking, 5th ed, 1964.
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food. Farm Facts: Commercial harvesting of wild mushrooms in Saskatchewan, 1996.
(chanterelles, morels, pine mushrooms)
Thomas, Dian. Roughing It Easy: A Unique Ideabook for Camping and Cooking, 1974.
Kochanski, Mors L.
Northern Bushcraft, 2nd ed, 1988.
Nelson, Richard K.
Hunters of the Northern Forest: Designs for Survival among the Alaskan Kutchin, 1973.
Olsen, Larry Dean.
Outdoor Survival Skills, 4th ed, 1973.
Provencher, Paul.
Last of the Coureurs de Bois, 1974.
Provencher, Paul.
The Complete Woodsman, 1974.
Rowlands, John J.
Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods, 1947.
Stroud, Les.
Survive!: Essential Skills and Tactics to Get You Out of Anywhere - Alive, 2008.
Survive!: Essential Skills and Tactics to Get You Out of Anywhere - Alive, 2008.
Browning, Peter.
The Last Wilderness, 1975.
(Northern Canada wilderness canoe trip.)
Collier, Eric.
Three Against the Wilderness, 1959.
(Trapping family in northern British Columbia in early 1900s.)
Davidson JW, Rugge J.
Great Heart: The History of a Labrador Adventure, 1988.
(With canoe routes of Leonidas Hubbard, Dillon Wallace and Mina Hubbard (Americans), and Canadian James Bay Cree guide George Elson.)
Downes, PG.
Sleeping Island: The Story of One Man's Travels in the Great Barren Lands of the Canadian North, 1943.
(With canoe routes.)
Engstrom, Eddy O.
Clearwater River, 1984.
(Alberta trapper and canoeist on Clearwater River in early 1900s.)
Ingalls Wilder, Laura.
The Little House Books: Little House in the Big Woods, 1932. Farmer Boy, 1933. Little House on the Prairie, 1935. On the Banks of Plum Creek, 1937. By the Shores of Silver Lake, 1939.
(An American homesteading family in the late 1800s.)
Johnson, Islae Carol.
The Hugh Mattila Story: Mush On, 1976.
(Trapper in various areas of northern Canada in early 1900s. With canoe routes.)
Karras, AL.
Face the North Wind, 1975.
(Saskatchewan trappers in early 1900s. With canoe routes.)
Karras, AL. North to Cree Lake, 1970.
Saskatchewan trappers in early 1900s. With canoe routes.
Keith, Sam (from the journals and photographs of Richard Proenneke).
One Man's Wilderness: An Alaskan Odyssey, 1973.
Moyles, RG.
From Duck Lake to Dawson City: The Diary of Eben McAdam's Journey to the Klondike 1898-1899, 1977.
(True account of all Canadian route to the Klondike gold rush.)
Munsterhjelm, Erik.
The Wind and the Caribou: Hunting and Trapping in Northern Canada, 1953.
(Northwest Territories and Saskatchewan in early 1900s. With canoe routes.)
Rutstrum, Calvin.
Paradise Below Zero, 1968.
(Origin of the design for my custom made canvas Tent.)
Tetso, John.
Trapping is my Life, 1970.
(A Slavey Dene trapper in Northwest Territories in early 1900s. With map.)
Theriau, Ed (as told to Patricia Armstrong).
Lost Land of the Caribou, 1978.
(Saskatchewan trapper in early 1900s. With canoe routes.)
Whalley, George.
The Legend of John Hornby, 1962.
(The tragic life of John Hornby in the early 1900s in the Barren Lands of northern Canada.)
Auel, Jean M.
Earth's Children series: The Clan of the Cave Bear, 1980. The Valley of Horses, 1982. The Mammoth Hunters, 1985. The Plains of Passage, 1990. The Shelters of Stone, 2002. The Land of Painted Caves, 2011.
(Includes information about many edible plants.)
Beames, John.
Army Without Banners, 1931.
Bodsworth, Fred.
The Sparrows Fall, 1967.
Conran, Shirley.
Savages, 1987.
Defoe, Daniel.
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, 1719.
Eckert, Allan W.
Savage Journey, 1979.
Fry, Alan.
Come a Long Journey, 1971.
Grahame, Kenneth.
The Wind in the Willows, 1908.
Hyde, Dayton O.
Strange Companion: A Story of Survival, 1975.
Marshall, James Vance.
Walkabout, 1959.
Michener, James A.
Alaska, 1988.
(With a large northern Canadian component.)
Michener, James A.
Journey, 1989.
(Fictional account of the true all Canadian route to the Klondike gold rush.)
Pruitt Jr, William O.
Wild Harmony: The Cycle of Life in the Northern Forest, 1983.
Tolkien, JRR.
The Hobbit, 1937.
Forgey, Wm.
Wilderness Medicine: Beyond First Aid, 4th ed, 1994.
Peterson, Roger Tory.
A Field Guide to Western Birds, 2nd ed, 1961.
Service, Robert.
The Best of Robert Service,1940.
(Some of Robert Service's best poems about the Yukon gold rush period.)