Central Saskatchewan 2016 Camp 19 (Jul 13 - 14)

Two sets of ducklings swam right by my camp and fled when they realized I was there.

Camp 19, after canoeing 11 km in intermittent rain with strong headwinds.  As far as the eye could see was forest fire blackened landscape so I stopped early.

Dock.  The leaves are edible, but like rhubarb, contain oxalic acid so are better boiled and only eaten in moderation.  The seeds could be used to supplement food dishes like stew or bannock.

Canada goldenrod leaves and flowers can be eaten as salad or cooked.

This raven and two others were performing acrobatics by tumbling in the air around each other.

Northern comandra first appearance.

The first blueberries, very tasty.  I picked six cups.  There were many green unripened berries.

A common sign of black bears at any campsite is overturned logs and rocks where the search is for ant eggs and larvae.

Early moonrise.