East Central Saskatchewan 2016 Camp 27 (Aug 3-8)

A Cree pictograph.

Camp 27, after travelling 11 km including two km searching for a campsite, and a 100 metre portage.  This is one of the nicest camps we have ever had.

Ready for an evening night cap.

This northern leopard frog was always out in the open near our fireplace during sunny weather.

We had a meal of pike every evening.  Note the small fire to shoo away blackflies where we stopped to fillet a catch of fish.  Steven would get the fire going while I started to clean the fish.  It is so nice to have a partner to share tasks, but also to share conversation.

Steven found these old moose bones.  How and when did he die?  Beside it on a rock face there was what appeared to be the numbers "1945" scratched in the lichen.  Did someone mark them or is it just an accidental occurrence?