Central Saskatchewan 2016 Camp 5 (May 26 - 27)

Early morning weather at Camp 4.  In May on travel days I would set my alarm for 3 a.m. so that I could stop earlier to establish camp.  My weather predictions were usually inaccurate.  A bad looking sunrise like the above at 4:30 a.m. could turn into a beautiful day, and vice versa.  I do not like travelling in the rain and would ask the rain gods to hold off on precipitation until my next camp was set up if possible.  This only worked out sometimes.  This year I had to take the good weather with the bad.  I do not complain because my motto is never say no to rain; it is better than forest fire.

These Cree pictographs are the nicest I have ever seen.  They are several hundred years old if not thousands of years old; to my knowledge they have never been accurately dated.  Over the years, I have seen smaller less intricate ones, sometimes tucked away where nowadays people may not realize they are there.

An old cabin site.  The Saskatoon berry trees were in full bloom.  In such places, I always wonder who lived there, when, for how long, what they did.

Camp 5, on a small island beside some rapids, 18 km travelled on a gorgeous day, including two km scouting out a rapids above camp and looking for a campsite.  You can see the wind is causing the waves to form against the rapids.

I canoed upstream to the head of the rapids to determine how I would get past them.  There were at least 50 American white pelicans where presumably the fishing was really good.  Note the old beaver dam.