East Central Saskatchewan 2016 Camp 29 (Aug 12-17)

Camp 29, very cloudy threatening weather all day, but I got to camp before it rained after canoeing 18 km, including two portages (200 metres).  This camp was the same location as Camp 27.

While Steven was here, we did not have to use bug tents.  Shortly after he left, the mosquitoes caused me to use mine.

A nice view from a hilltop near camp.

A ruffed grouse met his demise.  I saw more ruffed grouse than spruce grouse, surprised they were this far north. 

I picked many cups of lingonberries to eat with my evening meals.  It seemed that every patch was mixed with bearberries (in the left side in the photo above).  Bearberries are edible but mealy and tasteless so I prefer to leave them for the bears.

I saw many of the large green caterpillars of the luna moth, one of the biggest moths in North America. 

A heavy rainstorm prompted me to put lots of big wood on the fire.  While I was here, I burned all of the large pile of wood that Steven had cut for me.

Ever since I had to flee a forest fire in 2010, I get a bit concerned when I see large puffs of smoke nearby.
In this case I walked to the top of the nearby hill to see that the "smoke" was a cloud.

One day was gorgeous and hot, perfect for doing laundry.  Nothing like the smell of freshly laundered clothes dried outside in the sunshine.  I used the nearby overturned canoe to store washed laundry waiting to be rinsed.  Later I hung out all my bedding to dry and freshen.

This small island was perfect for cleaning fish.  It is amazing how such a tiny piece of rock can have so much vegetation complete with a colony of ants.

Lunch in the shade.

These large flying beetles have gigantic antennae.  The silly things fly and land on me in all kind of places and when I pick them off and toss them several metres away they often make their way right back.  Creepy boomerang.