Central Saskatchewan 2017 Camp 15 (Jul 11 - 12)

Beautiful sunrise through heavy fog at 4:57 am.

Early morning breakfast fire at 5:05 am.

The upper end of the portage beside the beaver dam.

The lower end of the portage beside a beaver lodge on another unnamed lake.  The only dry spot to place my portaged gear is directly beside a small tree.  On the last carry with the canoe, I trip on a root and fall, the worst load to have to pick up again.  Aie!

Camp 15, four km travelled including the portage 660 metres in length.  I first paddle to the channel joining the next lake to determine that I should be able to paddle and pole through.  Temperature is hot at 33°C.

To reach the campsite I clear a 50 metre trail of trees and brush.

It takes about one hour to clear a suitable spot for the tent amongst pine trees.  In cases like this I saw the trees as close to the ground as possible using a pruning saw which works better than the bow saw.  The pruning saw is also backup if my bow saw breaks, as happened one year.

A trail cleared into the thick bush in order to find a suitable place with enough moss to bury the cooler.

Mayflies caught in a spider web.  I am always amazed how a spider can spin a web like this one elevated about one metre above the ground and stretched horizontally between two trees one metre apart.