East Central Saskatchewan 2017 Camp 25 (Jul 29-30)

My second trip, from July 29 to September 12, a planned 366 km circle route, ended at 221 km in the eastern portion of Central Saskatchewan, extending into Manitoba, mainly south of and along the Churchill River.

Camp 25, five km from my starting point on a large lake.  It is very hot at 30°C for these two days, but there is good shade and cool water for extra baths.  I am very fortunate to meet some nice people  at my launch point. Josh and Danielle give me a ride back to my canoe after driving my vehicle to its parking location, my endpoint.  Margaret and Dwayne escort me to a good campsite, clearing a spot for my gear.  The next day Donna and George graciously give me two filleted walleye which I have for supper, a beef steak that I cook the following day, and a big bag of baked Parmesan crisps.  Awesome!

This old cut off canvas-covered cedar strip canoe has sat here for quite a while. There must be an interesting story about such a severed canoe.